Thursday, October 23, 2008

The 8 Harmful Effects of Fat

Ever thought of losing weight but just cannot find the reasons to justify that? Well, at the end of this article, I am sure you would have found at least 8 more reasons as to why you want to start working on that treadmill of yours so as to get rid of those excess fats you have accumulated around your waist.

1) Lose weight or lose your life.

If you have a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, or high triglycerides, then by losing weight, you can actually lower the probability of having such diseases.

2) Obesity is on a rise

In the past, incidences of people dying from lack of food were common, but today, there have been a reversal in trend, and more and more people are dying as they over-eat. A survey taken in America showed that two-thirds of the American population is overweight, and one-third of them are classified as "obese". Over-eating puts you at a higher risk of having a heart attack, as the excess fats might clog up your arteries, thereby preventing the flow of blood to your heart. Obesity is also closely linked with certain types of cancer too.

3) Fats go straight into your heart

As mentioned above, excess fats clog up the blood flow to your heart. Besides heart attacks, obese people are at a much higher risk of getting a stroke.

4) Fats makes you a man

Strictly for the ladies, fat increases your body's release of male hormones. In case the gentlemen out there think it's a good idea to put on weight, fats cause you to bald at a faster rate and cause acne outbreaks as well.

5) Fats leads to diabetics as well

Male hormones aren't the only hormones affected. Fats affect your body's release of insulin as well, therefore putting fat individuals at a higher risk of having diabetics at a later part of your life.

6) Fats work while you sleep

Fats are closely linked to sleep disorders as well, and it affects your amount of oxygen intake when your body is in a deep sleep. This can spark off major problems such as strokes and heart attacks.

7) Fats increase your burden

Fat people are more prone to osteoporosis as well, and it gives problem to your hips and back due to the heavy burden from the upper parts of your body.

8) Make a difference now!

Adjust your lifestyle to a more active one now, and reduce your intake of those foods that makes you fat, mainly the sweet ones and the oily ones. Remember, a little goes a long way. Taking an extra mile of walk at the nearest park and a reduction on those junk food can really make a difference to your lifestyle.

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